
Jessy Lynn-- FOUNDER

President! Creative Director: Head Writer & Editor-In-Chief

Writing has always been my passion, and as I watched the increasing division in our country, I knew it was time to bring my stories to life. That's why I founded Holy Creations Comics, a place where everyone is welcome. I have big dreams for this small company.

Growing up in a Christian household and attending a Catholic church, I was taught to serve the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. My God teaches me to love everyone, no matter our differences. That's why I want you to know that even if we don't see eye to eye, I still love and respect you (even if you don't respect my beliefs or vice versa, we can still love and respect one another because disagreement doesn't equate to hate).

Let me make this clear: at Holy Creations Comics, we stand by the Word of God. We don't shy away from it or water it down. We believe the Bible is the powerful Word of God. But that doesn't mean we only cater to one side. We embrace diversity and strive to represent everyone in our stories because every voice (except the Devil's) deserves to be heard.

Join us at Holy Creations Comics as we share compelling stories with a wide range of characters. We reject the status quo and write for the people, not just one group. Everyone's voice matters [to us].

Are you a fellow creative looking for support? Look no further! We provide various creative services, including editing for comics, scripts, novels, and more. And, we recently just opened out submissions! We are a semi-traditional publication house! See our submission guidelines! 

You reach me by e-mail or phone (directly on my business line)!


Administrative Assistant & Lead Researcher

When I met Jessy Lynn, I knew I wanted to work with her. She stands for true freedom! I am bisexual with a girlfriend, but my girlfriend and I are more conservative. We always thought we were alone, but Jessy Lynn showed me we weren't. I believe in pushing her mission for true inclusion and proving disagreement doesn't equate to hate!


Writer & Editor

As a writer, you would think I have much to say. I wouldn't say I like talking about myself. I'm pretty shy for a writer. I've also had issues sharing my opinion, but I love the English language. I love helping writers craft their stories. Hopefully, by working with Jessy Lynn, I will overcome this. I am very excited about what she has planned.


WIP Artist & Researcher

I am still in art school. I have trouble drawing characters in different, specific poses, but Jessy Lynn still brought me on to help design characters, which I am having a blast doing. She also let's work closely with Colleen to research topics for our clients-- really putting my schooling to work. Many places call their team "family." But they don't mean it. Jessy Lynn actually cares for everyone she takes on, and I swear she has the patience of a saint. If you enjoy our stories or wish to use the creative services we offer, you become a part of this family! 


Managing Editor 

Hey, y'all. What's there to say about me? I love the written word and take writing seriously. I strive for perfection from any writer whose work I get to edit, and Jessy Lynn is the same way. The policy here is brutal honesty!


Art director & Lead Designer & Editor

What's good, peoples? I'm not much of a writer, but a great editor (if I say so myself). Jessy Lynn thought so, too. I am also responsible for most of the artwork around here and many of our t-shirt designs. 


IT Director & Chief Financial Officer

You will see me for all your tech problems! We are a small company, so my background in finances also comes in handy.  



I'm only an artist!



We believe in the importance of free speech and celebrate opposing views. Embracing differences in opinion adds beauty to our discussions. We also appreciate and value every member of our team, including you!